New Here?
We’re happy to have you join us. Here’s what to expect.
What time?
Every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM.
During certain times of the year, you can also join us for Sunday School at 8:45. We have groups for the whole family! Click here for more information!
What happens on a Sunday morning?
We meet together in a relaxed, casual atmosphere. There’s no need to dress up fancy. We don’t meet up to impress each other, we join to worship Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and to live life with Him and with each other as a church family.
We experience Jesus together through fellowship, prayer, teaching, and singing worship songs together. Our music is modern, dynamic, and points us to Jesus.
You'll hear relevant and powerful preaching that is focused on the Bible. We seek to connect the truth of God's Word with your everyday life. So, typically you’ll hear our lead pastor preaching on a Sunday. While some times you’ll hear from a missionary or testimonies of what God is doing in the lives of our church family.
What about childcare and children’s ministries on Sunday mornings?
We provide Nursery (for newborn - 3 years old), along with Antioch Kids (3 years old to 6th grade). All of our volunteers in children’s ministries are passionate about serving kids through energetic, engaging lessons and activities. The safety of your kids is of the utmost importance to our church family. For everyone’s protection, if you are leaving your kids in our care, we require you to use our children’s check-in software. Don’t worry it’s simple to use, and we’ll help you. Everyone who works with our kids has up-to-date background clearances.
If this is your first visit, feel free to keep your kids in the church service with you, or find a church greeter at the door, and ask about getting your kids signed up for children’s ministries. It only takes a few minutes. After signing up, it takes less than a minute to check your kids in each week!
Before being left in a children’s ministry room, children will be signed in through our registration software, for everyone’s safety. We have an easy sign in process on an iPad. Each week, your child will be provided with a printed name tag, and you will receive a matching pickup slip.
You’re welcome to join us for lunch!
On most Sundays, we have lunch directly following our service. Some of our people bring different dishes to share, and we try to have some extra for any visitors. If you’re visiting on a Sunday, feel free to ask if we’re having lunch, or just listen for the announcement. It is a way that we seek to grow in relationships together, as we point each other towards growing in Christ. It’s a relaxed time, and a great time to actually get to know people in our church family. We’d love to have you join us.
Where is the church?
You can find us at the end of Antioch Road.
From the city of Logan:
Follow Chieftain drive out of town passing Kroger. In about 3 miles, after you see the sign for Enterprise and cross over the Hocking River, Antioch Road will be on your left. Make a left onto Antioch Road and follow the road straight back until it dead ends. The church will be on your right!
From Route 33:
If driving East toward Athens- From the exit ramp, make a left onto Chieftain Drive. In about 1 mile, Antioch Road will be on your right. Take a right onto Antioch and follow the road straight back until it dead ends. The church will be on your right!
If driving West towards Lancaster- From the exit ramp, make a right onto Chieftain Drive. In about 1 mile, Antioch Road will be on your right. Take a right onto Antioch and follow the road straight back until it dead ends. The church will be on your right!