Abide Student Ministry

Join us Mondays during the school year from 6:30-8:00 PM

Open to all youth in Grades 7-12.

We meet most weeks during the school year, and each week is a time to hangout, play games, and most importantly, seek Jesus together. It is our desire to see youth come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and then to grow deeply into Him! We provide a safe, relaxed place for any teen to join us and learn about God alongside other teens and adult volunteers. It’s our hope that at Abide Student Ministry, you’ll be introduced and pointed to Jesus, as knowing Him is the only way to be saved and be with God the Father.

As a part of Abide Student Ministry, your teen will have opportunities to join us at Suncrest Camp every year, and other trips like LIFE Conference with thousands of other teens. We also have occasional hangout events, just to grow closer together as a group.

Our youth ministry is currently overseen by Pastor Brian along with a couple adult volunteers.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our youth group!